Traci Lindsten
4 min readMar 29, 2020

Carbon Units

Looking back at the weather patterns and natural disasters over the past ten years or so, I posited the theory to my daughter that Mother Earth is tired. She and I had this discussion years ago and again recently with the onset of the pandemic. As humans will fight things that try to kill them, like disease, other sick and twisted humans, accidents, etc., Mother is fighting back at the carbon units killing her.

Those of you that recognize the term “carbon units” will know this comes from one of the Star Trek movies, when V-ger (Voyager) meets its Creator. I love the term and use it in lieu of saying humans, all the time. Nothing like being an old Nerd.

Mother is tired. Quit rolling your eyes…I can feel it, ya know. This isn’t the first time I have expressed my crackpot ideas and it won’t be the last. I do believe in Science. I do follow fact and recommend subscribing to both. However, this carbon unit likes to add a little spice to the story. All we do to poor Mother is take, take, take. She gives, gives, gives and get little or nothing in return. You’d be tired, too.

So, this goes one of two ways. She either gives up altogether and just dies under our feet. Or, she fights and creates things to even the odds. I believe Mother choses to fight. As I spout these theories to my poor daughter and the few people that still listen to me, it turns out there are other articles along this line showing up. Some of them are even based on science. Who knew? I am seeing more and more of them in print. I admit to feeling somewhat validated, although I keep that to myself.

Could it be possible that the old, crazy broad has a clue? Coincidence? I think not. There are certain things that certain kinds of people just feel in their bones. These people think differently than the normal. Being one of those people, I have no science to prove my point. Nor, this theory.

Recently I met with an old school mate, I hadn’t seen in years at a kind of reunion. His wife and my daughter entertained each other pleasant conversation while he and I caught up. Being a smart guy, our conversation became more intellectual in nature. Out of the blue, he asked me if I believed in Evolution. I replied in the affirmative. He then asked, from where did I think humans evolved? From primates? From fish? Without blinking, I told him that I thought that somehow an alternative was responsible. Not knowing exactly how to express my thought without sounding like I had just escaped from an asylum, I stumbled into trying to explain that perhaps people from another world seeded Earth a bit. They are developing us like a culture in a petri dish.

He looked at me like I WAS from another planet and soon after he and wife, “had to go”. Intellectual dialogue just went out the window. It was almost as if I had farted in the restaurant and everyone heard. All of the conversation at the table stopped and everyone was just staring at me with their mouths open. My daughter just kind of looked at me like, poor Mom. She has learned to roll with the punches. Poor kid. My point is that while I don’t think little green men came and zapped a primate to evolve into a human faster and more intelligently, I just think there’s more to carbon unit evolution that meets the eye.

No, I am not in a cult. I do not partake in the use of hallucinogenic substances. Hell, I don’t even drink alcohol more than once or twice a year, at a party or something. What’s wrong with going against the popular theories? Why not question science? It is how discussions evolve into something more substantial. Wasn’t it Dostoyevsky that suggested essentially there is no growth without dissent, in Crime and Punishment?

Does everyone really believe that carbon units can explain everything we currently don’t understand with the collective knowledge we have on the planet right now? I don’t. Why can’t we believe in what is perceived by current standards, as an outlandish idea? We can. It’s just people don’t want to work that hard mentally. Such a shame. The people that would consider this conversation and reply with their theories are few and far between for me. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Since I don’t have the foundational or scientific education to augment my intelligence or the knowledge they do, my arguments would not hold merit and it would be difficult to garner their attention for very long.

Maybe our Creators are watching from afar, monitoring how their experiment is working. They don’t let themselves be known because it would interfere with the Prime Directive (yes, another Star Trek reference. What can I say?) Or, they might just be so disappointed they are creating the disasters to help Mother remove the carbon units that are failing to live up to their potential. They probably know that in the current state of our evolution, we couldn’t really handle knowing the truth.

Stranger things have happened. Right?

Traci Lindsten
Traci Lindsten

Written by Traci Lindsten

Someone, who sometimes, has something to say.

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