Dead Wrong…
So, don’t die of shock everyone. No ranting today. I am actually happy. Mark this day down in history.
Our company has been going through a major restructuring. I’m old and not the sharpest knife in the drawer so was absolutely positive that my days were numbered.
I have been so fortunate to always be able to work. Those of you familiar with my writing know that although not married to a carbon unit, work has been my ever faithful companion. Accepting a possible ending, was really difficult.
I sold my car, bought a used rental for cash. I listed my dream home, thinking about quality of life on less money. I did everything you are supposed to do for preparing for the big change in life….retirement.
There was ZERO doubt in my mind that I was a goner.
I get a call this past Monday from my boss in response to an email I sent her about an account. Didn’t think a thing about it. We discussed the client and I was saying goodbye, when she said, “hey, I called for another reason, as well.”
I kind of had a moment of black out and sat down, just responding with a “yes?” (You see, I planned to work into my 80s if possible…) She informed me that not only was I not being removed, my job is changing and I am acquiring a larger territory and portfolio to manage — basically doubling my world.
I will be honest in that I didn’t know what to say. I was gob-smacked. Grateful beyond belief and worried at the same time about how much work that represented. Some have congratulated me, some have sent condolences with love. I have no idea even 3 days later how I feel about this whole thing. Work for me has never been about money, just brain food.
But, the fact that I can still work makes me so incredibly happy, I had to write about it!!!!!
P.S. I am keeping the house…