Dream Ramble
Did anyone watch the second SpaceX launch yesterday? The payload was 60 satellites that will circle the globe, in an attempt to give everyone in the world internet access. This is the kind of information we are missing. This is fantastic stuff! I love hearing and seeing something positive. Something meaty…you know, with science in it. I am giddy.
My brain needs feeding. The crap we are seeing is sucking out my soul. Instead, we get, “The Tool is golfing. The Tool is allowing the massacre of all wildlife in Alaska.” The Tool is reversing Obama’s every positive action for the planet and mankind. Is anyone even shocked anymore? Is there any outrage left? We are all worn to a frazzle.
Does anyone wonder what will happen to all the people in the Republican party after they are run out of town on a rail? Really. Do you wonder if these people worry about the choices they have made? Do you think they have any remorse? What is the final price for selling your soul to the Devil?
I had a silly dream last night that I owned a restaurant, which is hysterical because my cooking skills are well, not great. In comes Moscow Mitch and Elaine Chao. This is also hysterical because my restaurant would be very progressive in look and feel, hardly the vibe that would attract such clientele. But in the interest of myopia, I will say it is known as “the place” to get into.
Elaine is known for her needs…
They are not seated. They wait and wait and wait. They try to get the hostesses attention with no success. They try to wave down a bus person, look at other clientele for an eye connection. Nothing. They finally walk out.
Why, you might ask? Well, I’ll tell you. My place of business does not serve anyone that voted against the American Spirit, the demise of Democracy, the destruction of our planet. The front reception stand has a list with pictures of anyone who served in the Republican Senate and backed Trump, anyone in the White House that worked in Trump’s inner circle, and anyone wearing MAGA items. They are not to be acknowledged or served. (I think in the waking hours of this morning, it is pretty unrealistic to believe that a hostess would have the patience to scan a list of this sort because it would be pages long, but a person can dream….oh wait, this is my dream.)
Severe, you say? Well, tough. It’s my dream and it goes how it goes.
Disclaimer: In the spirit of transparency, I should also admit that the hostess, at my restaurant, is Mitch’s first wife, Sherill Redmon. A noted women’s rights activist, who worked for Gloria Steinem. I think she became a professor of Women’s studies, but I can’t remember where. (A true journalist would spend the time to look this up…) She was married to Moscow Mitch from 1968 to 1980.
The Moscow and Chao leave. Yes, no drama. No violence. Just complete and total indifference to their existence. When they are out of the door, my entire restaurant breaks into applause. Laughter and back slapping ensue. The world is right again. The feeling of relief is overwhelming, as everyone knew how close to Satan’s minions we all were.
Do you wonder if completely shunning these folks in the afterlife of the Tool’s administration, might have a more profound effect than outright hatred? They are used to working behind the scenes, so it might have no effect. But, I have found that no status is sometimes worse than good or bad. One simply does not exist.
I think we should just collectively never speak to any of these people again. They can’t get services. They can’t go out to eat. They cannot hang with anyone but the idiots they committed to in the House or Senate. Literally, perform a shunning, like the Amish do to their children when they leave the way of life. They would only have each other, the lunatic fringe, to interact and speak with for the rest of their lives.
How many do you think would make it?
While this is crazy, remember it is a dream. In reality, the truth is that these soul-sellers wouldn’t care one iota.