
Traci Lindsten
5 min readApr 23, 2020


For most humans, it’s hard to fight an enemy you do not understand. It’s hard to believe in the existence of something you cannot see. It’s exhausting mentally, psychologically, emotionally, physically trying to fight a ghost, so to speak. This statement of the obvious is to acknowledge my newfound COVID fatigue. Not that I have contracted COVID, but it seems to be the only thing you hear about anymore. Important to communicate, but tiring. Couple that with the TOOL fatigue and it’s enough to knock down an elephant.

I follow the rules. I worked in healthcare and my daughter still does. We take it seriously. It’s a new strain of virus that we haven’t dealt with prior and we don’t have a defense yet. Common sense dictates if you see people dying en-masse, you take extraordinary precautions. I have neighbors who are not sick and so because they are not sick, they say everyone else is over-reacting? Really? That is twisted logic…so, after being home for a couple of months, I have to ask, “What’s happened to common sense?”

Well, no one can really answer that question, but I can posit a theory. We lost common sense when the TOOL took office. (Ok, probably before but hey…) The loss is exacerbated with the pandemic. There is no way to justify any common sense existence with the TOOL elected as Prez.

Yes, it is killing me financially to stay home. I am going to probably lose my job permanently. This is not a unique story. There are millions of us that will be in the same boat soon, if not already. But I will be alive to find other ways to survive. I will not have contributed to harming other humans, if I am an unknown carrier, or something.

The United States of America has always been innovative. We are the inventors. We are the free. We are the successful manifestation of a mind-blowing experiment in governing. We are the envy of most and the dream destination to live, for many. So, after watching this fiasco, I have to ask, “What happened to America?”

Well, we might answer that question. It’s just that the 1/3 of the country that seems to be leading the rest of us by the nose ring, wouldn’t believe that answer. All the pundits spout the outrage, the logic, the facts and it all goes for naught. Why? Because we are sick of them, too. Fatigue. It’s a killer.

Taking the high road is the right thing 99.9 times out of 100. However, taking the high road to this extent is destroying America. If you have to battle Neanderthals, you damned well better understand them. It’s obvious at this point, those who throw out common sense to make a buck will never be capable of the higher road philosophy.

I, too, have stayed on the high road. (Ok, not even close, but hey, I live in my own mind…) Here’s my point: IT’S NOT WORKING! You cannot allow people to rewrite history. You cannot allow people to ignore facts. You cannot allow a single TOOL and his assisting Senate Tools to destroy Democracy before your eyes, and not do something about it.

The media has done a fantastic job bringing facts. Facts that are ignored. Why? Because they are now just as much a part of the freak show as the Tool. We need to quit showing the Tool on TV. Combining the Tool with COVID is a recipe for disaster, an ELE (Extinction Level Event). We need to have a moratorium on the Tool. This leads me to the next question, “What will the news shows report when the Tool dies out and we are mostly dead from COVID?”

I can answer that question. It will never happen. The ratings war, the need for sensationalism that the new public craves, will keep the news shows in business. Sad really, when you really dive into some of the fantastic work accomplished by dedicated journalists, reporting relevant and important things. It’s like their work is for naught because everything is drowned out by this crisis. Worse, it’s not believed by 1/3rd of the country, because it contains facts.

I digress. You can’t write an article about fatigue and not mention the incredible fatigue our healthcare workers are enduring. Let me say this right off the bat, there is no comparison between the fatigue I am complaining about and what they go through every day. One can’t begin to imagine. You have my undying loyalty and support forevermore.

The fatigue I suffer is not like anything I have previously experienced. It’s not like when I was very ill and had “bone-tired” fatigue. It’s not the fatigue I felt grieving for the loss of a loved one. It’s not the fatigue I feel after doing hard physical work. It’s a fatigue of human beings, or carbon units, as I am prone to call us. I am not depressed, suicidal, or not coping. None of that fal-der-al. I am talking about the fatigue that comes with complete resignation. I have total acceptance that we have collectively lost our souls. Gut-wrenching.

This fatigue, I fear, is not going away. It is incredibly painful to admit this belief to myself and then put it to paper. It is unlike me and pretty doomsday, negative stuff. It will scare some, antagonize some, inform some. The other 2/3rds of the apathetic, simply won’t care.

Hopefully, this will start a movement to prove me wrong. It will allow those of us high and mighty, “high roaders”, to get down in the dirt and fight for crying out loud. Doing this will surprise them. It is probably the only means of interaction the “low-roaders” will be able to understand.

Now, friends and family who know me, understand that I am the most non-violent person in the world. I don’t even kill bugs. I put them outside. I do not believe violence is the answer to anything. The diatribe above tends to fly in the face of that declaration a little bit, so let me clarify. I am not advocating a physical brawl. No violence is needed to play the game, of which I speak. This would be a mental brawl, which the “low-roaders” are currently kicking our butts in doing. I am pleading with those of us that still have souls, to play the same game as the soul-less. This leads me to ask, “We should be able to justify lowering our standards long enough to save humanity, right?”

My answer to this is, YES.



Traci Lindsten
Traci Lindsten

Written by Traci Lindsten

Someone, who sometimes, has something to say.

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