Traci Lindsten
4 min readMay 16, 2020




  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
  2. absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.
  3. the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

Here’s an age-old question that always sparks spirited debate, “Who is truly free? Anyone?” Back in my youth, the answer was usually, “a Supreme Court Justice or a tenured Professor.” Not sure that’s true anymore. The justice system is now under attack and unfortunately the majority of its members on the side of those that wish to absorb it into their arsenal. Professors are now run out of Universities when expanding young minds to new concepts. Talk about a loss of FREEDOM…

I shudder (or should I say shutter) at the reasoning of those wanting to re-open society this soon. The loss of revenue, I understand. The loss of interaction, I understand. The loss of caring about the greater good, I don’t understand. If every family is touched by a single death from this pandemic, maybe then it will hit home. But, if no one cares about anyone else, which is my fear, then nothing will awaken their soul. I guess if we are all dead figuratively, we might as well be dead literally.

Recently, a colleague of mine said to me (with a straight-face, I might add), “I draw the line and will revolt if forced to wear a mask.” He was worried about HIS personal FREEDOM. Never mind how his own indulgence and myopia would harm others. What about their right to not be exposed to his FREEDOM?

Ah, carbon units. You gotta love em. Well, not really.

Being fair, the discussions on the other side border on the fringe, as well. I heard a woman exclaim (while outside no less), “that man sneezed and didn’t cover his mouth!” I immediately looked at the man, who was clear across the parking lot and not by anyone else, and he was wearing a paper mask. Apparently she didn’t think that was good enough.

God, I am so tired of the lunatic fringe taking over this nation. Why is longing for normalcy of days gone by such a ridiculous notion? Does anyone remember a time when we could truly say and do what we wanted without being sued, ridiculed, chastised? It seems like a lifetime ago (uh-oh I am bringing up the glory days of my youth again) but really stupidity and litigation to this level has gone off the charts only since the TOOL took office. If you analyze his actions carefully and allow reality and some intelligence to seep through, you quickly realize he has removed more FREEDOM than any before him.

I have determined at the risk of sounding inappropriate, the reason the Senate Tools give him such a wide berth is because his actions equate to an orgasm for them. It’s the closest their old bodies can come to an erection and the excitement of culminating….well, you get where I am going. They let his false bravado carry them away like a Harlequin Romance novel.

Oh My God! That was disgusting. Oh wait, do I still have the FREEDOM to write something like that? To think something like that?

Many of my diatribes have questioned this concept. I written about fatigue, loss of livelihood, the insanity of the TOOL. Now, we have to deal with the subsequent uprising of aforementioned lunatic fringe, who puts the need for going out to a bar above the health of everyone else they will come in contact with….social distancing rules aside.

Yesterday, another person proceeded to tell me that he believes more people will die being sheltered-in-place than by exposure to the virus. When asked to elaborate, I thought he would attribute this to suicide resulting from depression, loss of wages, ability to sustain. But no, it was just because people lost their FREEDOM due to the liberals over-reacting to the flu. I was gob-smacked.

Has the TOOL made us all believe being a parrot is how you carry on a conversation? Does anyone remember the joy of truly conversing and being allowed to argue the “other” side of a subject for the sheer joy of stretching your brain? Even if your viewpoint did not align with the argument you were making, it helped you see all sides of the issue. (God, I loved debate class.)

People scream about keeping their FREEDOM, which was the great tool in the American tool box, supported by the Constitution and learned men from days gone by. But, they support the antithesis of FREEDOM and the TOOL taking more and more away every day he is in office. They are so stupid as to be completely unaware. The Senate Tools, after reaching climax, drift into slumber. They dream of how they are turning back the clock to yesteryear, where the old white male’s power was absolute. Their idea of FREEDOM.

That’s enough FREEDOM for today…more to come, if I am allowed to continue.



Traci Lindsten
Traci Lindsten

Written by Traci Lindsten

Someone, who sometimes, has something to say.

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