Just RIF-fing…
There are many types of sizing. Living life from start to finish, a person can upsize and downsize many times. Carbon units might switch from a small sports car to a family van when producing children. Or, might downsize from a big home to a small home when retiring. Companies downsize for one reason only, money.
Today, I sat back and took a hard look at my workplace, after reading yet another reorganization announcement. This one was particularly difficult for me to accept, as we are losing an intelligent and talented person I admire. The company publishes these communication gems after normal work hours, on Fridays. Hmm, could it be so that very few will see? My job is a level where no announcement will be produced. I wonder if anyone will regret the loss of my hellacious work-ethic when I am axed? The answer to that is, no.
To be fair, no one predicted a pandemic and these are uncertain times. The financial losses have been immediate and huge. The business response to COVID-19 universally seems to be, “ Let’s cut carbon units.” It is true that labor usually represents the most cost for a company. It makes business sense to restructure and it’s never an easy decision. What’s unfair about these broad sweeps of carbon units into the dustpan, is that often great talent and valuable experience gets lost forever. And, for what? Money. Everything is reduced to money.
OK. OK. I understand that a huge corporation can’t reorganize using emotion. They can’t take the time to look at each individual affected. It’s like naming the cow before you slaughter it for beef. It’s just not done. But, here’s what happens when no effort is made to keep the right people, the subsequent absence of talent and experience can destroy the business in need of saving. There is simply no upside to a RIF.
What’s nagging at me though, is this sinister little voice telling me that this pandemic is the perfect situation for all companies to clean house, even if they don’t need.
No. Surely not. No.
But seriously folks, can you think of a better way to get rid of all the people you don’t like, don’t conform, make too much money, or to fix a “mistake hire”? You can’t right? This pandemic is going to be the gift that keeps on giving to Corporate America (and its foreign owners). I absolutely do not want to believe this, but deep down know it’s true.
Geez, now I sound like one of the Tool’s base. Living in fantasy land. Very sad, indeed.