Dinking around this morning, I was thinking nothing, really. First cup of coffee, waiting on toast, a name popped into my brain from the past. It was someone that I sort of knew and worked with but was not close. It was weird. The Google search screen appeared as if my fingers had a mind of their own and I searched his name. An obituary came up.
This couldn’t be. He is a fleeting memory popping into the ol’ brain and is dead? Sure enough, the picture was of Nick. Exactly as I remember him. This guy came over when I was ill and helped me finish the installation of my living-room floor. He always had a kind word or great idea. He was smart and reliable. He and I worked in IT together for five years.
Yet, here is his photo on top of an obituary. He was only 60. He died in April of this year to Coronavirus, I think. The obit was tied to a COVID page, but his cause was not listed. Nick had children. Nick was a friend when you needed one. Frankly, this kind of blew my mind.
You know where I am going with this, right? (Those of you who don’t — understood.) Maybe he was floating around and just stopped by to drop me a memory.
I believe in things I cannot see or understand. What ever the sequence of events in my neural pathways, which got me to look this up, is weird. Do you suppose that we receive messages from other energy planes, without being on a Ghost TV episode?
This is the third time within a six-month span, I have thought of someone from decades past, out of the blue, who I found had died. Why on God’s Green Earth, would I think about them randomly, or at all? I never had a personal or intimate relationship with Nick. He was just a friend. The other person was a boy when I had a crush on him, in 7th grade. Dead. Why I thought of him after 50 years, is a mystery. The third person was someone with which I was in love. It was 35 years ago and one of the very few men I would have ever considered a long-term relationship. Dead. The information for this person was shocking, but in my mind, I could find a reason for it because I often think of him.
These guys are just popping into my brain. Why? Is this a message from them, in the Great Beyond, that I am about to kick-the-bucket? It’s freaking me out. I also find it fascinating. There are probably lots of documented cases of this type of brain event. There is probably a term for it, but if you’re a regular person without a neurology degree, you must admit the randomness and timing beg the question.
The rational and science-loving part of me says, there is a rational and science-based reason for these brain events. (Talking to myself here…) Remember, Traci, you are dain-bramaged. You have had aneurysms, tumors, TIAs and you’re mental. (I am so kind to myself, eh?) This is a manifestation of something deep-seated in the gray matter you don’t use that pops out and three of them in a row is purely coincidence.
Poppycock! I say.
Whatever the reason, it’s real to me, and it did happen. So, I am going to try and remember these guys over the next few months. Of course, it will be to try and analyze why this happened. That’s just me. But, from a non-logical and emotional side, just in case they are giving me a heads up, I am going to try and live happily and peacefully until they come and get me.
Bring it on! I say.