MICHIO — Short and Sweet
People that know me well have put up with my lifelong love for Al. Albert Einstein, that is. He’s been dead a long time now and it’s time to move on. Yes, I still have my 6-ft cutout of Al, everything written by or about him in my library, and a real photograph of him teaching class with his pants undone.
Physics is a hidden passion. I am not smart enough to be a physicist, but I love it, nonetheless. Quite a few years ago, I stumbled onto an outstanding thinker named, Michio Kaku. Turns out he is a theoretical physicist. Bonus! I have a brain crush on the guy. He has written several books. I am not sure how many. Since the TGA Tour, I cannot recite stats I used to have in my head, but I have read eight of them.
Now, don’t worry. I am not the stalking type. I do not attempt to contact my secret heroes. I worship from afar like all responsible science groupies. This article is the first time I have publicly expressed my love of his mind. Right out loud. In print. Can you believe it?!
What must it be like to have that kind of mind? It’s got to be both a blessing and a curse.
Michio appears to be handling it quite well. He has some normalcy it would seem. He is married with children, not a womanizer like my old flame, Al. He is prolific. He is brilliant. He communicates well to the “Normals” when I have seen him speak.
I just finished another one of his books and it has inspired me to pen this kind of Nerd Love-letter to the Universe, in his name. Poor Guy.