· Op·ti·mism — Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.
· Pes·si·mism — A tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen, a lack of hope or confidence in the future.
These two crazy nouns are in the limelight, each vying for the upper hand over the other. Generally, I think everyone believes they are optimists. It’s like the “everyone has good taste” syndrome. When you walk into someone’s home, you always politely remark how lovely it is, no matter if the wallpaper or color scheme triggers an LSD flashback from your youth. Yikes!
Carbon units are for the most part polite and have the desire to do good things. Bravo! Optimism, right?
The latest setback in my brain adventure, which has been the largest event in its evolution so far, is that I am researching the Bejeezus out of anything brain related. I mean, come on…I gotta do it. The fact that I even believe I might find something about my condition that no one else has, after decades of intensive brain research, shows dain-bramage in and of itself.
The exercises I have created for myself to perform research involves carefully studying other carbon units. No biggie. Have been doing that all my life. What’s changed is the way I am researching. Based on what I read, there are signs most people miss when reading other carbon unit behaviors. It’s beautiful to watch others when they don’t know you are watching. We are such complicated creatures, at least in our own minds.
It’s mind-boggling. Ha! Okay, okay, the humor gene is not yet awake…
In my youth, I presented as an optimist, absolutely. The world is our oyster when we are young. We can do anything we want. We are immortal. The capes for our super-hero costumes are large and flowing over the spandex and armor body suits. And we look good in that spandex bodysuit — before childbirth and cortisol release…
In middle age, I presented as a pessimist. The world had beaten the crap out of me, and I sent my cape to the cleaners, less and less. Reality is cruel. That young optimist was not prepared appropriately for what life would dish out. Thank God, I am a quick study and I didn’t succumb.
Now, on the back side of this life span, I present as an optimist. I have come full circle. This optimism during one of the bleakest times in US history is not because I am “special” (although the type of special can be debated later…ahem.) This optimism is a full-blown survival mechanism, weathering the demise of democracy under The Tool. Absorbing the emotional pain of racism and hatred, too long ignored. Understanding an invisible enemy that is killing carbon units by the hundreds of thousands. Basically, optimism is now my coping mechanism.
· It’s keeping the brain healthy and fed.
· It’s keeping the faith in humanity.
· It’s keeping the naysayers out of my psyche.
· It’s keeping positive energy alive and flowing into the Universe.
It doesn’t solve the root causes but allows me to function well enough to at least attack them. In my small part, as a fellow carbon unit, it keeps the compassion and love we all need, flowing in my veins. If we don’t have hopefulness, how do we survive?
I don’t know. I will not stop trying. And….you’re welcome.