The Tool
What does it feel like to work for a Tool? Some of us have a boss we might consider a Tool. (Ask my team…) Some of us have difficulty recognizing a Tool. There are wanna-be Tools. There are Tools-in-Training. There are Tools infiltrating and operating in every occupation and industry.
However, all of us can now answer this question. The entire country is run by a Tool.
No matter your politics. No matter that we are experiencing a pandemic for a generation. No matter that people are now so apathetic, they just sit by while Democracy is destroyed. We are led by a Tool.
After touting in other writing, that I try hard to not judge others, I absolutely, unequivocally and under threat of death, judge and identify the current President, a gigantic and dangerous Tool.
Think about it. A tool is no good by itself. A toolbox with only one tool in it isn’t of much value for a large project. A Tool needs other tools to perform actions it is not designed to complete. For example, you would not pull a screwdriver out of a toolbox to take a p-trap off a sink. You would not pull out a socket wrench to tighten a screw.
Therefore, by using this somewhat stilted logic, we can assume that most of the people around the main Tool, are tools. Now we can ask, “How does it feel to have your life run by a bunch of Tools?” We can collectively now answer that question, too. It’s horrible!
There are very few of us that feel the need to be heard, who have not yet picked a side. You either love Trump the Tool, or you hate him. I grew up in a Republican household while my grandmother was alive. My parents are Democrats. I waited to decide, as I am a tad over-analytical, to declare myself a Democrat. I never considered Republican, but toyed with the Independent thing for a while, in my youth.
It’s scary to take sides. You have to be committed. You have to develop thick skin against those who will take every opportunity to attack, embarrass or harass you. It’s tough. I choose to do it, though. Another life lesson of living long, stand up for what you believe and be damned.
The toolbox we are using to fix the country is comprised of all the WRONG tools. It’s breaking the country. It is putting the wrong parts on things that aren’t broken and ignoring the things that need immediate attention. The problem is those immediate things, don’t interest the tools in this toolbox.
McConnell has sold his soul to the Devil, but he did this before Trump. He is so racist that he sealed the deal when Obama was elected. Pence, the truly scary homophobic moron, who looks normal on the outside. Then he opens his mouth. Who is this Steven Miller guy?! He came out of a pod, fertilized with hate and abnormal water. Graham, the closet gay, who probably sprouts wood when in the Tool’s presence. The entirety of the Republican Senate. Tools. There are too many to list.
Normally, Americans would hop right down to the local hardware store to buy new tools, the right tools, to complete a DIY project. Where is the hardware store to fix this gigantic Tool mistake? I will tell you where.
It’s in the toll booth, write in ballot, electronic vote that we use on Election Day, November 2020. Use it wisely. Do it no matter what major event is happening in the country. VOTE. Vote to get rid of the Tools!
If you don’t think the wrong tools are currently in the toolbox, then quite frankly, there is no point in even talking to you. After 3+ years of this idiot running the country into the ground, you still think he is the right path, you are as unstable as he. Take over an island somewhere and elect him King, with all of the Tool supporters living there. We will see how long you all last, when you realize the depth of his mental illness. He is and has never really been in your corner.
Enough said.