The Tool…Again
What do you suppose a person does when the President of the United States is trying to kill them?
Is there any recourse? No. Do you call the police? No. Do you call the Pentagon? No. Do you ask another country for help? Sanctuary? No. The other countries of the world would emphatically reject the request because The Tool has tried to kill them, too.
Dramatic you say? Perhaps. Hyperbolic you say? Absolutely. Is it really that far-fetched, though? No.
How else would we describe this person? This leader of the free world? Over the history of our fledgling nation, we’ve had good presidents and bad. Smart ones and dumb ones. Sane ones and “iffy” ones. What the Hell is this thing we have elected into office? Surely, not human.
Granted, I have lived only sixty-plus years, so that hardly makes me an expert on presidential personalities, but I have formulated a theory. Here we go….
· The Tool knows this virus kills people with medical issues.
· The Tool knows this virus kills people of color and other ethnicity in greater numbers.
· The Tool knows this virus will do damage to children that contract the inflammatory offshoot of this virus.
· The Tool knows proximity kills people, so he leaves them in cages and overcrowded cells.
The Tool is culling the herd.
In his twisted and sick mind, he is consciously or sub-consciously, culling the herd. Now for some folks, culling the herd is not a term with which you may be familiar. Let me break it down for you.
· cull the herd. 1. Literally, to separate or remove (and usually kill) inferior animals out of a herd to reduce numbers or remove undesirable traits from the group as a whole.
I have never considered myself a conspiracy theorist. I am sure I am sounding like one. I have never had thoughts like this before. But then again, no carbon unit in a position this high, has ever tried to kill me. It’s a new experience. Probably for 99% of the population, as well. This is mass murder of a sort.
Of course, we can’t prove it. Our killer government is not like the Khmer Rouge government, with the killing fields yielding millions of remains. Oh no. The Tool and the minion Tools, in the Republican Senate toolbox, are far too subtle for that. They have a pandemic to hide behind. They can cull the herd and take no responsibility for it. They can just not react appropriately and watch the weak die out.
I would bet money, this is one of the few times ol’ Moscow Mitch, gets wood. I genuinely believe men that follow someone like The Tool, are as evil as, The Tool. They show who they really are when they don’t have to play the game. They are safe to do so because they are covered at the top.
How long does a nation allow this to go on?
The logic of waiting for an election that he is going to rig to stay in power is, illogical.