Guten Morgen! That’s Good Morning in German. I have decided that I had better learn another language because I no longer understand English, as spoken by the Tool. It’s a beautiful, clear, and sunny morning, after days of rain. Very welcome.
I am making coffee, which is essential to jump starting the ol’ body and brain, for another day of existence. There are cartoon butterflies flying around my kitchen and I am thin and beautiful. This is what happens when I experience true joy. My mind becomes a Disney Cinderella cartoon.
And then…reality sets in.
It’s Memorial Day weekend. A time for reflection and respect and gratitude to everyone who has died for this country. I turned off my phone last night to get some much-needed sleep. Rarely do that. So, the first news alert on my phone this morning was this: “Justice Department joins push against Illinois Coronavirus restrictions.” (Reported By Justin L. Fowler, The State Journal-Register via AP)
Really? On Memorial Day weekend? The Tool is trying to take over America, this weekend?! I mean, Come On! We’ve known, but the timing …
He has a set on him, doesn’t he? How does the man walk?
Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn’t the Republican platform always been, “Less government!”? (disclaimer: last statement not all inclusive…) Did I wake up to the recently declared Universe discovery, where time runs backward? Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Why aren’t the Republicans up in arms about this? Why aren’t they leading the charge? Why aren’t they standing up to the Tool? Well, we know why, don’t we?
The premise of the DOJ’s argument in this article, and I paraphrase, is that each State’s Governor requesting lock downs have exceeded their 30-day emergency authority, making the desire to protect their citizens, unlawful.
And then…nausea sets in.
There are still five months left until the vote. What do you suppose he is going to have done by then? If we truly believe complacency and patience until November 2nd is the way to go, think about what his hidden minion-Tools are doing all that time. Don’t you think that these little “barn burners” he dangles for the public to go nuts over, aren’t really masking something far worse going on?
I can hear all the Tools saying, “Hey, the public will deal with this outrage, which is big enough to keep them occupied for a long time, then we can accomplish all the behind-the-scene actions to button up permanent authority.”
“We will NEVER leave the White House!” Mmmwahaha…The Tool laughs hysterically while eating another fast food hamburger.
And then…fear sets in.